Empower educators, elevate lessons, create at scale.

Scalable tailored content, aligned to your curriculum.

We help schools and school districts empower their educators with tailor-made resources that enhance classroom presentations. Our smart AI technology reads your curriculum, and generates dynamic and captivating slide presentations, homework, or visuals—including interactive video—that gives your students immersive learning experiences.

Whole brain learning.

People understand interactive video better—even more so if they’re neurodiverse.

We don’t just transform lessons. We transform lives.

Can technology help neurodiverse students?

  • 15% of people are dyslexic—most don’t even know that they are!
  • 80% of students placed in special education have dyslexia.
  • Dyslexia affects one in five students.
  • 10% of today’s students are diagnosed with attention disorders—often related to dyslexia.
*National Center for Learning Disabilities
Supercharge memory and learning outcomes.

Don’t believe us? We hear you. This is why we do demos. Connect with us today and see how our AI technology can create content that expands upon your curriculum.

Let’s talk.